Advising Centers
How do I find my advisors?
At 菠菜网lol正规平台, advisors are assigned by major. For a list of College Success Centers refer to the 菠菜网lol正规平台 College Advising Centers.
Note: If you are currently undeclared, see the Undeclared: Undergraduate Advising and Success Center for further information. If you are undecided (means you have a declared major, but are thinking about switching to another program) you will want to see advisors for your current major as well as for your prospective major(s).
Schedule a virtual appointment
Schedule an advising appointment via Spartan Connect:
- Navigate to EAB and log in if necessary.
- From your student homepage, select the blue "Get Assistance" button on the right sidebar.
- Follow the prompts to schedule your appointment.
- Feel free to add comments for your session, then confirm your appointment.
- The appointment is now on your Spartan Connect Calendar (accessible from the calendar icon in the left sidebar).
See the video below for more details and a walk-through about how to schedule an advising appointment!
What should I ask my advisor?
- Are you taking the right math course(s) for your major?
- Are you on track to complete your A2 and A3 writing requirements by the end of your first year?
- What is required to declare the major? (if applicable to your situation.)
- Which required classes should you take next semester to stay on track for on-time graduation (or to declare the major)?
- What requirements (General Education or major) have I already completed through AP, IB or Community College coursework?
- Which classes should be taken over the course of the next two years to stay on track for on-time graduation (or to declare the major)? (This is called an advising roadmap.)